I am a scholar of contemporary art and criticism with a transnational, translocal focus and specialize in experimental art in Latin America, particularly Brazil. The artistic practices I investigate push on the boundaries between art and life, revealing new articulations of experience, social relations, action, and knowledge. I am interested in how such practices establish critical—even insurgent—dialogues with legacies of modernist and avant-garde art, and how they in turn map the coordinates for global contemporary art today. I attend to blind spots, pluralities, weak connections, transversal histories, emergent networks, and aesthetic and political solidarities that criss-cross the history of art as it opens onto the present. To this end, I approach contemporary art not as a symptom of the splintering and decentralized impulses of globalization, but as one of the most vital means by which to comprehend and reimagine our disputed, but incontrovertibly shared, globality today.